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Many Cats is excited to bring you the DNA of Games podcast.


Disability, Neurodiversity and Accessibility of Games is a series exploring how disabled or neurodiverse developers, creators and professionals got into games and how their condition may have impacted their lives.


This podcast is to meet disabled and neurodiverse developers and break down what it means to be disabled and/or neurodiverse.


Support our efforts by sending us a coffee on Kofi! >


DNA of Games is a podcast series to chat to disabled and neurodiverse games developers, creators and people involved in gaming.

Transcription of episodes

Pixel art of two cats doing a podcast. Right cat is wearing a hearing aid. There are a couple of mugs in front with Many Cats logo on.
Teesside University Launchpad Logo, it has a small rocket above the p. Click to view website.
Digital City Logo. Click to view their website.
Unltd logo, white 5 point line star in an orange circle. Click to view Unltd website.
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